As I said before, I am not a big "sleeper." I don't take naps and I enjoy waking up before everyone else does. But sometimes it gets a little ridiculous and I'm up at 4:00 in the morning on a Saturday cleaning the house. This happened this Saturday. By 9:00 I had cleaned the house, except for where hubs was sleeping, done laundry, walked the dog, went to home depot, the farmer's market and Target! That is a whole day worth of activities for most!! Honestly I think it's my constant going, doing and thinking about going and doing that brings this on, but it is torture just laying in the bed forcing myself to be tired. I can't go back to sleep!
With this problem I end up becoming extremely curious and envious when I see other people sleeping. My mom for example, although she'll get up at odd hours as well, can sleep anywhere- she has even fallen asleep in the dentist chair! On a plane, both parents are out even before take off. I am even amazed when my husband is still sleeping soundly until 8:30 on a weekend!
My most envious sleeper, of course, is my dog. Nobody can sleep like her. If only I could get her to do and go to the places I am always thinking about while I am at work! This is her right now- lights on, television on, hubs and I talking, and if we don't get up for awhile, she will be snoring before long. Oh to sleep like my puppy...

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