So we are pretty green here at our house. We only use cloth napkins and we use rags instead of paper towels, etc, etc. I would say that we try really hard and make a sincere effort in keeping our planet as awesome as it is. I want my great grandkids, great grandkids, great grandkids, to have every bit of natural beauty that we have today.
With this green conscience, I have noticed that while at home we do great, but at work we tend to slip quite often. Little by little we get better as we figure out new ways of doing things. I finally got my husband to start taking his lunch daily and even bought him a semi-manly lunch box. But now, due to some free time today, we have a case for the silverware, a napkin, and a resuable sandwich bag! The sandwich bag needs some tweeking, probably use oilcloth, but other than that, I'm pretty pleased with the green lunch I made today! Another high five to the sewing machine! -which I'm going to have to name her after all this recognition I'm giving her!

So cute Victoria! Love the sewing projects-pillows green lunch bags.