Monday, July 25, 2011

I want to juice....

Juice! Wonderful juice! Juicing has become a part of our morning ritual. I'm even looking up juice bars close to our hotel this weekend. I'm addicted to juice! It all started because of my new clean life I'm after now that I'm 30. I was reading "Crazy, Sexy, Diet," & feel in love with Kris Carr. She is inspiring and has made me want to make some serious adjustments to my health- this is the only body I have and I want to fill it with beneficial, nutritious stuff so it works as it was intended. So, for one big change, I bought myself a juicer, some serious veggies and fruit and have been juicing away. Yum yum yummy!!!

Luckily for me, my husband is always supportive of my new adventures and jumps on board drinking it up every morning. I'm trying out different combinations and have even made some muffins out of the pulp. The muffins need some serious tweaking, but we'll get there. For now, the pulp is making my compost happy. As of today, four weeks in, my top five juicing ingredients are: 1. Blueberries, 2. Cucumbers, 3. Chard, 4. Apples, 5. Celery. Imagine getting all that good stuff in for breakfast!!

Juice rocks and has made my mornings even brighter! After watching a documentay, "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead," where two men go juice fasts that changed their health and lives forever, it made this jucing thing seem so smart and I didn't feel so crazy anymore. I proudly juice. In the film, the main guy tries to convince people to try a 10 day juice fast- he says you have to go at least seven days to feel all the benefits. This may be my next step. The hubster will probably put up a fight on this, but we'll see if my sales talk will work.  All I need is seven days off in a row so I can make juice all day days in a row........

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I want to handle this gracefully...

I have a problem. Not only do I want to do everything, I try to do everything. These days I'm working 7 days a week, trying my new thirty look on life, and still trying to have a clean house and wear clean clothes!

Now, this was my own doing and I do like what I'm doing, so I'm not complaining. I like the summer school, except for about an hour of it each day. I like being outside for my land guide gig and I like this new time consuming health kick I'm on. I just want to be cautious, as I have now signed up for something else to do that requires me to look very smart.

Luckily, I am a strong believer in taking care of yourself - because of that, I am including lots of yoga in my schedule and I am now trying to meditate everyday. Once is with my yoga practice and the other is in the evening, usually before bed. I need a clear head with all this stuff going on- if not, it would all be jumbled together and I would never get anything done. Now, I'm not up to thirty minutes or anything, but little by little, I am adding some time. I'm not meaning to cheat, but it takes time getting used to sitting in silence. I have read some great techniques that help me concentrate and forget about the time. One has to do with all the people that are close to me now, in the past, or are just in our lives for reasons unknown to us now. I want to do all these things, I am trying to be a better person, I want to experience new things- When all thatcomes in my head, to the meditation station we go....

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I want to celebrate 30....

Well after spending a week in my thirties, I must say, thirty is great! I probably had one of the best birthdays ever thanks to my hub knowing me so well. Nice quiet celebration with the family at mis padres; camping for the weekend with my sisters, a couple friends, and our dogs; & a delicious dinner out, just the two of us to ring it in! Not to mention his gifts were amazing and showed how much he pays attention to me:) They are so good, each one deserves a blog entry of its own. The celebrations were a wonderful way to start off this new year in the direction to help me be all the things I want to be.

Speaking of.....before entering into the thirty world I started reading a few blogs and books about one of my very favorite subjects.....FOOD... and the super powers it has against diseases, and the out of the ordinary but extraordinary way of getting all those vitamins and minerals! So I am celebrating thirty by celebrating my body! So look forward to dozens more entries on how I am trying to be the healthiest I can be. After all, the thirties are are going to be huge for this little husband, wife, and puppy dog family. I want to enjoy life with every inch of me so I can celebrate many more birthdays that have a zero in it, maybe even two:)